Friday, July 18, 2008

Time flies

This was a story about how State police are trying to encourage people to report any plants they think might be Marijuana, last month in the UP they found 9,000 plants worth $1,000 a piece. I really think the design was successful and the story is important because this summer a kid in the Midwest was out squirrel hunting and accidentally stumbled upon a field of marijuana and was shot and killed by someone guarding the land.

This is Paleo Joe and his cat Saber, Paleo Joe helped discover a Camerasaurus in Utah last month. He is relatively famous and in his spare time cleans 150 million year old bones in his home with the help of his cat, who he refers to as his assistant.

Fourth of July, obviously.

These three guys unicycled from Midland to Bay City, about 22 miles, to raise money for their church.

This was intermission of Shakespeare in the Park on a 90 degree day, the lady on the left is applying sunscreen to one of the actresses from Midland.

It seems like this summer is going by really quickly. I am having a blast at the paper and today my favorite thing that I have done since I've been here ran. Since my last post Nathan has started at MDN and he is doing an amazing job, I have found a place to live in Ypsilanti and I found out yesterday that I will be doing more editorial type stuff for my assistantship at Eastern, so I am excited. I also got a 5d (finally hooray!), FYI I am selling my 20d if anyone is interested. I hope everyone is having a great summer and I am so impressed with everyone else's blogs and the work that they are doing at their internships it makes me want to be a better photographer, although I'm not sure my work reflects that. I think this Fall at Western will be an exciting year since everyone has been hard at work shooting this summer, keep it up and I miss you guys :)


brett marshall said...

hell yeah! love that page idea.

Briana Scroggins said...

The layout turned out really nice. How is your dog story going? Are you still working on it?